Lessons In The Ladder Days

TRANSGENDERISM, Part 4 (The Plot to Transgenderize Jesus)

Candace Long

(NOTE:  Though each part in this series can stand alone, I encourage you to listen to them in order.  This is an important culturally-relevant series and I want you to have the proper biblical foundation to ground you for each episode.)

This episode concludes this 4-part series by exposing a horrific plot.  Though this plot has been percolating well over 2,000 years, it is manifesting in new ways in the 21st century.   

I'm not alone in the thoughts I lay out for you here.  In fact, I include what several other Messianic leaders are saying.  Apparently, this issue is on God's front burner as He prepares for His Day!

Here's What You'll Learn:

  • The two-fold agenda behind this plot.
  • The modern face of Hellenism and how it is manifesting today.
  • How the New World Order is programming us to accept a false Messiah!
  • Jesus' startling message to those who have ears to hear it.
  • The incredible opportunity Christians have to return Messiah to the Jewish people.

Below, you will find links to the resources referenced in this episode.

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When you DONATE, your gift helps me continue to produce these podcasts.

"Transgenderism: A Multi-Layered Sign of the Latter Days" - by Candace L. Long (24-page monograph of the entire 4-part series complete with pictures and graphs)
"When All The Pictures Are Restored" by Rabbi Michael Washer  (book)
"The Besorah According to COVID-19" by Rabbi Itzhak Shapira (book)
JEWISH ROOTS:  God's Call to Reconnect - by Candace Long (17-page monograph)