Lessons In The Ladder Days

Warnings of A Nephilim Invasion, Part 1

Candace Long

This episode concerns a series of warnings that indicate something awful may be about to happen....in just a matter of months.

I relate the 3 different pieces as this warning was revealed to me over a 6-month period…including a prophetic dream…a real-life "happening"… and awareness of recent behind-the-scenes subterfuge by the Final Kingdom.

We are being set up for a massive deception...as well as potential great loss of life to people in the world.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • The events leading up to this revelation.
  • Biblical principles needed to discern whether or not someone's "spiritual experiences" are to be believed.
  • Support material from Scripture verifying that such a catastrophe is not only possible but probable if, in fact, we are living in the very last period before the Day of the Lord.
  • Links to resources I refer to so you can discern the veracity of this warning.
  • Links to prepare you with critical backstory to the origin and warnings about the invasion of the Nephilim and how that invasion could manifest.

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When you DONATE, your gift helps me continue to produce these podcasts.

"Oumuamua" - Sighting of alien probe over Hawaii in 2017.
Interstellar alien probe article.
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics article.
Hebrew Date of the October 27, 2022 dream:  Cheshvan 2.
Clayton Morris 60-minute interview with retired FBI Investigator John DeSouza.
"Welcome To The Age of the Polycrisis" - WEF Global Risks Report 2023

(Note:  Though many of these topics can be heard as separate podcast episodes for free, I highly recommend you purchase the series monographs because they include important graphs and charts that communicate more clearly these difficult topics.)
 "The Nephilim-UFO Connection" by Candace L. Long (17-page monograph)
"Return of the Nephilim" by Candace L. Long  (14-page monograph)
"The First Nephilim Invasion" by Candace L. Long (14-page monograph)
"The Climate Change Movement: THE FINAL KINGDOM" by Candace L. Long (31-page monograph)
"When God Speaks In A Dream" by Candace L. Long (17-page monograph)