Lessons In The Ladder Days

A Seer's Review of 2023 Dreams

January 18, 2024 Candace Long

Every January I spend time reviewing the dreams I had the year before and I have just completed my 2023 review.  If you are looking for direction in what God wants you to be busy doing in these end of days, I share insights I trust will be noteworthy and helpful.

A significant finding is the increase in warning dreams since 2002 when my journey as a Seer (dreamer) began.  Dreams are a Seer's record of what he or she perceives is on God's heart and what He may direct the dreamer to do about it…specific dangers ahead… changes in direction He may desire …and fresh understanding of His Word to pass on to others.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • Statistical and general findings from 81 dreams.
  • Helpful instruction on how to properly break out your dreams using Hebraic dream interpretation principles.
  • The various categories of dreams to discern God's purposes behind the dreams you were given.
  • The trend in warning dreams spanning 3 decades and what this says about the days to come.
  • A "Dream Break-out Exercise" featuring 3 dreams:  How I broke them out…Lessons God taught me … How these lessons might apply to you.
  • Takeaways concerning how close we are to the Kingdom.

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  • Books 
  • Online Store - Heavily researched monographs (digital articles) for download.
  • Instruction Video Store - contains all the courses and individual teaching modules that help you find your destined place in these end of days.

Note:  To ask about teaching an online class or course to your group…or if interested in Consulting or Coaching services, CONTACT ME.