Lessons In The Ladder Days
Candace Long is an End Times Navigator who has studied the biblical end of days for over 30 years. She is emerging as one of today’s most thought-provoking teachers since her most-requested topic concerns the invasion of the Nephilim and how they are influencing our culture. She is a 50+ year follower of Jesus who has been Torah observant for over 10 years. This unique lens enables her to identify the signs God gave us in the Torah to navigate these days safely to the Kingdom.
THE BEST WAY TO LEARN FROM THESE PODCASTS? Candace explains, “Only when you see these end of days through a Jewish lens can you understand what is going on! I began this series in February, 2021 when I realized we are really living right before the Day of the Lord. Some listeners like to start at the beginning, since I build upon the previous biblical foundation established. Others chose topics that interest them. When you click on a title, you can read a brief description of what that episode is about. My desire is to be a calm place of refuge as times get worse. The path toward the Kingdom is narrow. I offer you a biblical lens through which to see it clearly.”
NOTE: Each episode represents months or even years of research. Many are grouped into multi-part series whose transcripts are available as monographs in her Online Store. Purchasing them helps support this series.
Lessons In The Ladder Days
Part #1: The Final Week of the Church Age: (Building A Bridge Between Christians and Jews)
Not long ago, one of God's magnificent pictures (tavniot) hit me like a ton of bricks and helped me finally SEE where we are on the final trajectory to the Kingdom!
It's going to take more than one episode to bring all the pieces together, so be on the lookout for subsequent parts. Together, though, I believe this miniseries will help make sense of a lot of the things I've been discussing as these mysteries have been unveiled over the last few years. These are truly historic times!
Here's What You'll Learn:
- Four key disconnects between Christians and Jews in hopes of building a much-needed bridge of understanding.
- How Christians and Jews will be impacted living during the same 7-year period.
- For Christians: Learn what Jews are being prepared by God to face .
- For Jews: Learn what will happen to Christians at the end of this 7-year "Week."
- The warning for Christians in the 2024 Solar Eclipse and how it affects their ability to be guided toward the Kingdom safely.
- The three prophecies that must be fulfilled before the "man of sin" is revealed and how many have just been fulfilled.
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Your donations – as well as purchasing my online resources – help me produce these podcasts and expand our radio outreach.
- God and the gods - book and audio series by Miriam Hellman
- Rabbi Alon Anava
- Aerial view of shin in Temple Mount topography
- Aerial view of Mount Moriah and Mount Zion
- ARMAGEDDON: Appointment with Destiny - by Grant R. Jeffrey (book)
- God's Message in the 2024 Eclipse - podcast by Candace Long
- The Days of Noah - 42-page monograph by Candace Long
- Uncovering the Ancient Snare - 35-page monograph by Candace Long