Lessons In The Ladder Days

God's Call For Repentance - Part #1

March 12, 2021 Candace Long

Understanding the Hebrew calendar is absolutely key to know what we should be doing before the Day of the Lord (the Kingdom) comes.  For thousands of years, God  taught His people year after year to spend an entire month doing T'Shuvah (repentance) as a rehearsal for the very day in 6001 (Tishri 1) when we stand before the Almighty and give account of our lives.

God wants to show us love and mercy when His books are opened on THAT Day.  He does not want our hearts clogged up by hurts, bitterness, broken relationships and demonic attacks.  We need to be restored. 

That's why He gave us T'Shuvah and it's what we should be doing now.  In this two-parter, I share personal stories of what I've learned in 50 years of walking with the Lord as to what T'Shuvah is and what it is not.

Just saying, "God, I'm sorry" doesn't cut it.  I invite you to learn what genuine T'Shuvah entails and what God taught His children so we would always be prepared for His Day.

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The Levitical Calling - by Candace L. Long (book)
"God's Call To Heal His Women" - by Candace L. Long (monograph)