Lessons In The Ladder Days

Return of the Nephilim

Candace Long

(Note: Originally released in March, 2021 - but very relevant today!)

This episode is a disturbing subject.  I have tried to set the stage by laying important biblical foundations in earlier episodes.

According to Luke 17 and Matthew 24, Jesus was asked about the time of His return.  He said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man."

What was it like in the days of Noah?  You'll find that out in the previous episode, "Connecting to Our Ancestral Roots."  In it, you will learn when the Nephilim first appeared on the earth…and how they will manifest in the time right before Jesus returns.

This is not a topic you will hear about from most pulpits – but we must understand what is happening in our culture and why it seems like nothing will ever be the same again.  There has been a tremendous shift.  The return of the Nephilim is the reason for that shift.  The Lord does not want us to be afraid or insecure.  Rather, we are to learn from our spiritual forefathers and rest securely in our Father's care, even through the darkest of times.

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When you DONATE, your gift helps me continue to produce these podcasts.

"Return of the Nephilim" - 14-page monograph by Candace L. Long (includes  source material)
"Mixed Seed: As It Was in the Days of Noah" - by Candace L. Long (19-page monograph)
Letters to Aleeyah: A Personal Journey of Generational Healing - by Candace L. Long (book)

Instruction Video Store - contains all the courses and individual teaching modules that make the concepts in this series come alive.