Lessons In The Ladder Days

The Nephilim-UFO Connection: (God's Perspective)

Candace Long

(Note: Originally released in June, 2021 - but very relevant today!)

This episode completes the 3-part series on this critical topic.  The questions surrounding UFOs are bound to increase with more and more sightings reported.  It is critical to understand what the Bible says on this subject, for the Lord promised to prepare us for the things to come. (John 16)

I provide answers to these 4 questions:  

  1. What exactly ARE these UFO's? 
  2. Are they referenced in the Bible?
  3. Why does God appear to be sitting back and doing nothing about them?
  4. Why are they invading our skies now?

We learned in Part 2 that the "gods" (little 'g) are returning to Earth to claim the land and its people believing everything belongs to them.  Just what does God have to say on this subject?  I believe you will find what you hear fascinating and culturally relevant.
Isaiah tells us, "…I am God, and there is none like Me,  Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure…" (Isaiah 46:9-10, NKJV)

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SOURCES CITED IN THIS EPISODE (other than the Holy Bible):
The 12th Planet – by Zecharia Sitchen (book)
The Ancient Book of Jasher - by Ken Johnson (book)
The Apocrypha - by Joseph B. Lumpkin (book) - I quoted from 2 Esdras in this episode

"The Nephilim-UFO Connection" - 17-page monograph by Candace L. Long that pulls together all the historical findings and their sources from this popular 3-part series.

Candace Long Online Store - monographs (15-20 page articles) on various topics to give you biblical perspective on these Latter Days.

Instruction Video Store - contains all the courses and individual teaching modules that make the concepts in this series come alive.