Lessons In The Ladder Days

A Seer's Review of 2024 Dreams, Part 2

Candace Long

This episode is a continuation of Part 1 because there were so many things left to share by way of warnings...and instruction in navigating these times.

In Part 2, I especially want to share deeper things these dreams have revealed with mature believers – those who have walked with the Lord a long time and have a strong foundation in the Word of God.  Why?  Because the Lord revealed strategies and insights that frankly, I've never known about.  They are meant to be shared with the spiritually mature.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • How to spot the angelic activity going on all around us in preparation of leaving this earth - and the changes this may bring to your sense of calling.
  • How to recognize when the angel assigned to you for years suddenly changes.  And what does this mean?   
  • How to deal with changes you may be experiencing working with others in the secular arena.…understanding the underlying spiritual shift.
  • The critical atmospheric shifts taking place and how to interpret the need to separate from many old friends you used to hang around with.
  • An important dream that shifted the focus of my calling.
  • Key warning: "2025 is the Year of Atmospheric Assault."

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